See DLL Interface (section 11.2) for details on the parameters. An ex-ample using Microsoft EXCEL is included in the software package. Thefilename is PolNavClientDemo1.xls located in the directory c:/ProgramFiles/Adaptif Photonics GmbH/Polarization Navigator/Examples/12 File Types12.1 PBIN-FilesThe default file format used by the polarizationNAVIGATORTM is a bi-nary file format with the extension ”.pbin”. These files contain mea-surement data such as SOP measurements or PMD measurements. ForMATLAB integration, m-files are provided to load PBIN-files (see chap-ter MATLAB File Handling (section 12.7) ).12.2 Measurement SeriesThe polarizationNAVIGATORTM supports handling of measurement se-ries. You can load a series of measurements (e.g. a collection of long termdata) into a single document. Use the File→Import Series to import allPBIN-files contained in a single directory. Use File→Save As to save thecomplete series into a single PBIN-file.Once the series is loaded into a single document, you can export the dataas CSV-file (section 12.3) or MAT-file (section 12.7.1) .12.3 CSV-Files (Comma Separated Values)If you want to export data in CSV format use the menu entry File→Export.Please choose a target filename with the extension ”.csv”. After selectingthe target filename a dialog box may appear allowing you to choose whichdata will be exported into that file. See the ASCII File Formats (section15.4) for details on the data organization.The generated files can be imported e.g. to EXCEL. Please note thatthe polarizationNAVIGATORTM uses the localized decimal point. ForEnglish systems, this is usually ”.”, the value separator is ”,” accordingly.For German systems, the decimal point is ”,” and the value separator is”;”. You can change these settings in the Windows control panel.12.3.1 Measurement SeriesFor measurement series, data of one type is formatted to form a block.Thus, for example, all DOP values belonging to different measurementsare grouped together to simplify generation of 3-dimensional plots.Note that only series can be exported containing measurements with thesame number of data points each.12.4 ASCII-FilesIf you want to export data in ASCII format use the menu entryFile→Export. Please choose a target filename with the extension ”.asc”.After selecting the target filename a dialog box may appear allowing youto choose which data will be exported into that file. See the ASCII FileFormats (section 15.4) for details on the data organization.A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide 103