6 Applications6.1 Application: Polarimeter6.1.1 Choosing the WavelengthTo obtain accurate measurement results the operation wavelength of thelight source has to be chosen. If not already opened, open the Settings-window of the A1XXX/A2XXX/A3300 by clicking on the Settings-entryin the browser window. Enter the wavelength and choose a sweep rateof 0 nm/s. In the Integrated PC Mode open the corresponding buttonsubset by clicking Sampling Settings.6.1.2 Auto GainingTo provide a wide range of input power, the polarimetric receiver has 14different input gain settings (0=lowest sensitivity, 13=highest sensitiv-ity). Usually the instruments chooses the correct input gain settings toachieve optimum performance. You can suppress the gain switching byremoving the check on the Auto-field next to the gain display.6.1.3 The Oscilloscope ModeThe default operation mode is Oscilloscope. In this mode data is sampledat a constant sampling rate. You can choose the desired number of sam-ples. The sampling rate together with the number of samples determinesthe observed time scale. The number of samples is defined by setting thePost-Trigger Samples value, even when no external trigger is used.There are two options in this mode: Continuous and Oneshot. In thecontinuous mode, the measurement is restarted after receiving a trace. In34 A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide