No Name Type Acc. Def. Description1 WavelengthStart FLOAT R/W 1550.0 Wavelength in nm. In sweepmode: start wavelength in nm2 SweepRate FLOAT R/W 0.00 Sweep rate in nm/s. 0: Fixedwavelength mode.3 TriggerSource INT R/W 0 Trigger source0: none1: software2: TTL high3: TTL low7 SamplingRate FLOAT R/W 5.0 Samplingrate in kHz14 AutoGainFlag INT R/W 1 Auto gain0: disable1: enable15 SweepState INT R 0 Sweep status0: idle1: SOP acq. running2: SOP continuous acq. running16 Samples INT R/W 256 Desired number of samples fordata acquisition.17 Gain INT R/W 0 Current polarimeter gain. Validgain settings: 0..13. Write intothis variable to manually selectthe gain setting.28 LastPeakRange FLOAT R Last occurred peak range. Avalue between 0..1 indicates themaximum power level occurredin the last measurement. A valueof 1 corresponds to the maxi-mum detectable power level inthe used gain setting. Note thatvalues below 0.3 can reduce SOPaccuracy29 LastPeakPower FLOAT R Last occurred peak powerin mW. This value is thepower level corresponding tothe peak value of variableLastPeakRange.30 TriggerState INT R Trigger state:0: idle1: armed2: sampling3: data available4: error10.3 Tree 4: PolControllerThe variable tree PolController is available on all A2xxx and A3xxxinstruments.84 A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide