5 Basic Operation A3XXX5.1 Activating the A3XXXWhen the polarizationNAVIGATORTM is started it will not automat-ically perform any measurements. The browser window will show anicon for each adaptif PHOTONICS instrument or supported externalinstrument (e.g. tunable laser sources) that has been either added byusing the Configuration Wizard or added and configured manually. Agreen arrow indicates that the instrument is activated, i.e. commu-nication has been established. Before using the instrument with thepolarizationNAVIGATORTM it has to be activated.There are two ways to activate an instrument. It can be activated directlyor an application can be opened, which will then activate the requireddevices automatically.Double-click on the A3XXX to activate it (or click on activate in its con-text menu). The polarizationNAVIGATORTM can activate instrumentsautomatically at startup. To use this feature, check Activate On Startupin the instruments context menu. After activation, a green arrow shouldappear on the icon of the instrument. Three Sub-items appear below theA3XXX entry corresponding to three control windows (four in case ofthe A3000/A3300).inactive polarimeter:active polarization controller:The Sequence window allows you to load a sequence of SOPs, which willbe generated by the A3XXX. In addition basic operation parameters ofthe Sequence mode can be set in this window, such as repetition rate,timebase, polarimeter synchronization etc.The Manual window allows you to control the polarization controller inthe manual mode by means of sliders, each of which corresponding to oneof the modulator stages (section 5.2) .The Scramble window is similar to the Sequence window, except that alist of random SOPs is generated, which will be generated by the A3XXX.In addition, basic operation parameters of the Scramble mode can be setin this window, such as repetition rate, timebase, polarimeter synchro-nization etc. Activating the Scramble mode will replace any previoussequence.The SOP-Stabilize / Stabilize window (A3300/A3000) is used to configurethe stabilizer modes of the respective instruments.26 A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide