Attribute DescriptionName The name of the plot data.Format A C-style format string defining how the data willbe formatted. An empty value indicates a string.%.3f Floating point value with 3 decimal digits.%.3g Floating point value with 3 significant dec-imal digits. Variable format.%d Integer value (signed).%u Integer value (unsigned).13.8.2 < DocP lotLoadReg/ >Example:passedfailedLoads the data point identified by the plot name and the current rowcounter position into the global accumulator register. Further evaluationor conditional commands can be processed afterwards.Attribute DescriptionName The name of the plot data. See chapter ”Plot”(section 13.8.1) for a list of valid plot names.13.9 Command Reference: Conditional Structures13.9.1 < If >< /If >, < Else >< /Else >Example:Location ANo location defined. The < If > command executes the commands placed between its tags ifthe content of the global accumulator register is non-zero (TRUE). The< Else > command immediately following the if clause will be executedif the global accumulator contained a zero value (FALSE).13.9.2 < W hile >< /W hile >Example 1:1116 A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide PreviousNext |