• Click on Tools→Report Generator or on the PDF-icon in the tool-bar.• The report generator wizard appears. Select ”All gallery docu-ments” from the list.• Select a report template from the list (apparently only one templateis selectable).• Click on ”Next”.• Choose if you want several PDF files to be generated or a singlePDF file.• Click on ”Next”.• Choose the target directory.• Click on ”Next”.• Enter additional information if desired in the next page.• Click on ”Next”.• Click on ”Finish”.• You will be asked for a target filename and if needed for a targetdirectory.13.1.3 Creating a Report for all Documents Contained in a DirectoryYou can generate multiple reports from all documents contained in asingle directory using the following steps:• Only documents of the same class can be processed at once (e.g.either only SOP measurements or PMD measurements). Bring atypical document you want to process to the front or close all doc-uments.• Click on Tools→Report Generator or on the PDF-icon in the tool-bar.• The report generator wizard appears. Select ”All document con-tained in a folder” from the list.• Select a report template from the list.• Click on ”Next”.• Choose if you want several PDF files to be generated or a singlePDF file.• Click on ”Next”.• Choose the target directory.• Click on ”Next”.• Enter additional information if desired in the next page.• Click on ”Next”.• Click on ”Finish”.• You will be asked for a target filename and if needed for a targetdirectory.106 A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide