
Adaptif Photonics A2000 manuals

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Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. General
  10. Technical Support
  11. Getting Started
  12. A2000 Front Panel
  13. AXXXX Back Panel
  14. A2000-B3 Front Panel (19" Version with integrated PC)
  15. Software Installation/Software Updates
  16. Connecting the Instrument to the GPIB Interface
  17. Changing the GPIB Address
  18. System Requirements
  19. Basic Operation AXXXX-B3/R3 (19" Version with inte grated PC)
  20. Network Access
  21. Remote File Access
  22. Basic Operation A1XXX/A2XXX
  23. Basic Operation A3XXX
  24. A3XXX Polarization Controller Operation
  25. A3XXX Polarization Controller Software Settings
  26. Random Polarization Scrambling
  27. Sequence Operation
  28. A3000/A3300 Control Parameters
  29. Applications
  30. Edge Detection
  31. The Trace Mode
  32. Saving Measurements (Snapshots)
  33. The Poincar´ e View
  34. Data Logging
  35. Application: PDL/PMD
  36. Performing measurements
  37. Measurement Raw Data
  38. Application: PDL/PMD (Stepped)
  39. Application Setup Parameters
  40. Application: PMF Crosstalk (Swept Wavelength)
  41. Application: PER/PMF Crosstalk (Using a single A1210 Thermal Cycling Unit)
  42. Application: PER/PMF Crosstalk (Using two A1210 Thermal Cycling Unit)
  43. Application: Polarimeter Calibration
  44. Application: Continuous Scrambling
  45. Trigger Configuration
  46. Hardware
  47. Electrical Data
  48. LabView Drivers
  49. Variable Handling
  50. MIP CommonVariableGetInfo
  51. Polarization Controller VIs
  52. MIP PolConSetMode
  53. MIP PolConWaveplateGet
  54. MIP PolConSeqWaveplateSet
  55. MIP PolConSeqWaveplateSetRetard
  56. Polarimeter Control VIs
  57. MIP PolarimeterMeasState
  58. MIP PolarimeterMeasGet
  59. MIP PolarimeterMeasPlot
  60. Demo VIs
  61. DemoVarInfo
  62. Generic control commands
  63. Buffer control commands
  64. BUFW
  67. Examples
  68. Setting Up the Polarization Controller
  69. Instrument Variables
  70. Tree 4: PolController
  71. Polarization Navigator Automation
  72. DLL Interface
  73. Polarization Navigator Automation: Target Names
  74. Target Global
  75. Target PolController
  76. Target CompTest
  77. Target CompTestStepped
  78. Target PERTest
  79. Target ContScrambling
  80. Using LabView
  81. Using Python
  82. File Types
  83. PMR-Files
  84. Report Generation
  85. Creating a Report for all Documents Contained in a Directory
  86. Report Templates
  87. Command Reference: Placing Text
  88. Command Reference: Text Layout
  89. Command Reference: Placing Data from the Document
  90. Command Reference: Placing Images/Plots
  91. Command Reference: Placing Measurement Table Data
  92. Command Reference: Conditional Structures
  93. Command Reference: Document Property Values
  94. Specifications
  95. Specifications A2000
  96. Specifications A3000
  97. Specifications A3300
  98. Reference
  99. Error Codes
  100. PDL/PMD Data (Default)
  101. SOP Data
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