[response,result]=MEX_PolNav_SendCommand(’CompTest*’,’Get Progress’);if str2num(response)==2;break;endpause(1);end;[PlotData,result]=MEX_PolNav_SendCommandEx(’CompTest*’,’GetPlot Default’);plot(PlotData(:,1),PlotData(:,2));Make sure that the polarizationNAVIGATORTM is already started beforeexecuting the MATLAB script. In the folder ”DemoMATLAB”, you canfind the m-file PolNavPERTest.m which is an example for controlling thePER-measurement application.11.13 Using LabViewAs described in the chapter DLL Interface (section 11.2) , the DLLPolNavClient.dll can be used to communicate with the polarizationNAVIGATOR. Making use of this DLL is very simple if the LabView-VIsare used which come with the polarization NAVIGATOR. The necessaryVIs are located in the library file PolNavClient.llb.There is only one VI named SendCommand.vi which communicates withthe polarizationNAVIGATORTM.Input parameters: Target, Command, MaxResponseSizeOutput parameters: Response, ResponseSize, ErrorCodeInput parameters are the communication target and the actual command.Refer to Target Names (section 11.3) for details on the available com-mands. Refer to Error Codes (section 15.3) for details on the possibleerror results.Note that the polarizationNAVIGATORTM has to be started prior tosending these commands.You can also find some example VIs in the library PolNavClient.llb:• PolNavClient ComponentTest Demo.vi gives an example imple-mentation for automating the component test application (Target:CompTest (section 11.8) ).• PolNavClient PER Demo.vi gives an example implementation forautomating the PER application (Target: PERTest (section 11.10)).A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide 101