10 Instrument VariablesIn the following a list of variables is given which are supported by theinstruments.Each variable has a unique variable number and variable name which areused to address the corresponding variable. Additionally each variablehas a type and access code.Variable types:Type DescriptionINT integer numberFLOAT floating point numberARRAYINT 1D-array of integer numbersARRAYFLOAT 1D-array of floating point numbersTEXT text stringVariable access codes:R read only accessW write only accessR/W read/write access10.1 Tree 0: CommonThe variable tree Common is available on all instruments.No Name Type Acc. Def. Description0 GPIBAddress INT R/W 30 GPIB address (1..30), only validafter restart6 RS232BaudRate INT R/W 115200 valid values: 9600, 14400, 19200,38400, 57600, 1152007 RS232Echo INT R/W 1 turns Echo on(1)/off(0)8 RS232HandShake INT R/W 0 turns hardware handshake(RTS/CTS) on(1)/off(0)9 ModelCode TEXT R/W instrument model code10 SerialCode1 TEXT R instrument serial number11 SerialCode2 TEXT R add. instrument serial number12 SerialCode3 TEXT R add. instrument serial number13 SerialCode4 TEXT R add. instrument serial number17 SelfTestResult INT R 0 Result of selftest. 0=Selftest suc-cessful. Other values indicate ahardware damage.10.2 Tree 3: PolarimeterThe variable tree Polarimeter is available on all A1xxx and A2xxx in-struments.A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide 83