11.9 Target CompTestSteppedThe target name CompTestStepped* will select the component test ap-plication.A simple pseudo program controlling the component test applicationcould be as follows:DECLARE STRING PROGRESS,PLOTDATAPolNav_SendCommand("CompTestStepped*","Activate")PolNav_SendCommand("CompTestStepped*","Set WavelengthStart,1540")PolNav_SendCommand("CompTestStepped*","Set WavelengthStop,1550")PolNav_SendCommand("CompTestStepped*","Set WavelengthStep,0.1")PolNav_SendCommand("CompTestStepped*","SingleMeasurement")DOPROGRESS=PolNav_SendCommand("CompTestStepped*","Get Progress")WAITWHILE PROGRESS<>"2"PLOTDATA=PolNav_SendCommand("CompTestStepped*","GetPlot Default")The following commands are available:GetPlot DefaultCommands:Returns the plot data of the last measurement. The response is a stringwhich is formatted like a spreadsheet consisting of rows and columns.Columns are separated by a ”,”. Rows are separated by a LF (ASCIIcode 10). See PDL/PMD Data in ASC-II file format (section 15.4.2) fordetails on the meaning of each column.SingleMeasurementStarts a single measurement. This is similar to pressing the button ”Sin-gle Measurement” in the application.RepeatMeasurementStarts a repeated measurement. This is similar to pressing the button”Repeat Measurement” in the application.StopMeasurementStops a measurement. This is similar to pressing the button ”Stop Mea-surement” in the application.TakeReferenceStarts a reference measurement. This is similar to pressing the button”Take Reference” in the application.Save FilenameSaves the current measurement into a PBIN-FileExport FilenameSaves the current measurement into an ASCII-FileVariables:A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide 97