6.2.8 Measurement Raw DataRaw data can be stored together with the measurement result if theoption ”Keep Raw Data” is selected. This data includes the measuredSOPs at the output of the DUT and the assumed SOPs at the inputof the DUT which are derived from the reference measurement. In caseof the referenced measurement, Mueller matrices for each wavelength arealso included. This additional raw data cannot be displayed by the Polar-ization Navigator. It can be exported to an ASCII-file or to a MATLAB.mat-file by clicking on ”File/Export”.It can also be accessed by loading a .pbin-file into the MATLABworkspace:Data=PBinRead(’Result.pbin’);figure;plot(Data.Lambda,Data.MuellerMatrix);figure;plot(Data.SOPInput(:,1),Data.SOPInput(:,2:5));figure;plot(Data.SOPOutput(:,1),Data.SOPOutput(:,2:5));The Mueller Matrix ellements are stored in 16 columns. Each row belongsto a different wavelength. The Mueller Matrix of the 10th row can bederived by the following command:M= reshape(Data.MuellerMatrix(10,:),4,4)’;You can convert the Mueller matrix data into Jones space using thefollowing MATLAB command:Jones=Mueller2Jones(Data.MuellerMatrix);The resulting matrix contains a row for each wavelength. Each 4 elementsof a row form a Jones matrix, where the first 2 elements contain the toprow of the Jones matrix and the next 2 elements contain the bottom rowof the Jones matrix.Aso note that the input SOP is cycled through a system of 6 input SOPs.If you want to access only one SOP out of the whole system use followingcommand:nSystem=3;figure;plot( Data.SOPOutput(nSystem:6:end,1),Data.SOPOutput(nSystem:6:end,2:5) );6.2.9 Measurement Setup Using the A2000The A2000 combines polarization control functions and polarimetric mea-surement functions within a single instrument. Therefore optical connec-tions are reduced to a minimum. A tunable laser source (TLS) is con-nected to the input and the device under test (DUT) is connected to thecorresponding optical ports.6.2.10 Measurement Setup Using the A1000/A3xxxPMD/PDL measurements are also possible with a combination ofA3XXX (polarization controller) and A1000 (polarimeter). Since theinstruments need to be synchronized some more electrical connectionsfor triggering are necessary (see figure).A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide 47