6.2.7 Data LoggingThe adaptif PHOTONICS instruments support data logging, i.e. you candefine an interval at which measurements will be stored. In between theinstrument continues to perform measurements and refresh the display.Before starting a logging session you should set appropriate parameterslike sampling rate, number of samples per measurement (Post-Trig. Sam-ples) and gain.In the External PC Mode, a wizard will guide you through the setup ofthe actual logging parameters after you press the Start Logging button.First you have to choose, whether to store the measurements in a singlefile or as separate files. A single document should be chosen only forsmall logging series, since all data is stored in memory until the loggingsequence has stopped and saved to disk then. Long logging series shouldbe stored as separate files, since no memory restrictions apply, except ofthe total free space on the hard disk. In addition the measurements aresaved to disk each, which can be fortunate in case of e.g. a power failure.The next step is to set the logging interval in seconds, the maximumnumber of measurements to log and the filename body, which is usedas the first part of the filenames, followed by an increasing counter. IfMaximum Logs is set to zero, measurements will be logged until you pressStop logging.In the Integrated PC Mode, the logging parameters can be set directlyin the Logging section.During the logging process there will appear a small window, informingabout the current logging state.Once the logging has been stopped, there will be a dialog, allowing youto immediately open the logging series. Opening a very long series thathas been saved to separate files can take some time.When a logging series has been opened, there will be a horizontal sliderbelow the data figures, allowing you to navigate within the series.A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide 45