3 Basic Operation AXXXX-B3/R3 (19” Version with integrated PC)3.1 Activating the AXXXX-B3/R3Use the supplied power cable to connect the instrument to a power socket.Depending upon the previous state of the instrument it may power upimmediately. Otherwise push the button at the right of the instrumentsfront plate. The computer will boot Windows XP Professional and willauto-login with administrative privileges. In case you need to login man-ually, useUser: AdministratorPassword: sphere314The polarizationNAVIGATORTM software will startup automatically af-ter booting. After manual login it can be started using the icon on thedesktop or from the start menu.Throughout the system the touch screen acts as a mouse. For right-click operations there is an always-on-top icon, which will turn the nexttouch to a right-click touch. If this icon is not on the screen it canbe reactivated from the system tray by clicking on the pm-icon andsetting a mark next to ”Right Button”. You will have to quit thepolarizationNAVIGATORTM in order to access the system tray.In addition the knob on the front plate can be used for cycling throughlists of buttons and for changing numerical values. Pressing the wheel issimilar to pressing the ”OK” button and will push a button or accept anumerical value. The ”ESC” key will toggle between menu access (File,Edit, View, etc.) and button access and it will abort changing numer-ical values. The ”Left Arrow” and ”Right Arrow” buttons will switchbetween different graphs (PMD, PDL, DOP, Stokes-Parameters, etc.)and will change the cursor position in dialog boxes. For most dialogs,special on-screen-keyboard-dialogs will appear. In case you need to en-ter additional characters, Windows provides an always-on-top on-screenkeyboard, which can be activated by pressing the wheel twice in quicksuccession. For using this feature, the polarizationNAVIGATORTM hasto be running. A link to the on-screen keyboard is placed on the desktop,which can be used otherwise. The on-screen keyboard is not available forentering the password at the Windows login screen. When powering upthe instrument, it will log on automatically. To login again after loggingout, you need to either connect a keyboard to the instrument to enterthe password or restart the instrument to log in automatically again.Fruthermore, USB and PS/2 keyboards and mice can be connected tothe AXXXX-B3/R3.Using any of these controls choose an application and use the control but-tons for setting the specific parameters and controlling the application.Usually the horizontal row of buttons switches between several subsetsof functions or parameters, which are then listed as a column of buttonsto the right. There my be more items in a horizontal or vertical set thanbuttons. In this case a ”More” button will be among the set of but-tons. Usually you will find an ”Exit” button, which will stop the activeapplication. The actual parameters and functions are similar to those de-scribed in the specific chapters of the manual (A1000-B3/R3: see sectionApplication: Polarimeter (section 6.1) and A2000-B3/R3: see sectionApplication: PDL/PMD (section 6.2)A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide 21