Input parameters: Device descriptorOutput parameters: Device descriptor, error code8.7 Demo VIs8.7.1 DemoPolarimeterSimpleThis VI demonstrates the basic usage of the interface VIs. It first opensa session to the instrument connected via GPIB, address 30. Then thedesired number of samples is set to 1000 and the sampling rate is chosento be 20 kHz.Note that the VI MIP (section 8.6.3) waitsuntil a measurement has been successfully completed, i.e. it waits untilthe polarimeter receives a suitable power level.8.7.2 PolarimeterDemoThis VI demonstrates a complete polarimeter measurement applica-tion. You must specify the desired VISA communication port (useGPIB0::30::INSTR for an instrument at GPIB address 30). The mea-surement parameters can be changed during runtime and include thefollowing parameters:Tab Polarimeter• AutoGainFlag, TriggerSource, Samples, SamplingRate, Gain(manual)Tab Source• Wavelength(fixed or startwavelength if sweeped), Sweeprate(innm/s, 0 for fixed wavelength)The results of the measurement are displayed in different diagrams:Tab Polarimeter• SOP diplayed on Poincar´e sphere. Use cursor array in VI to rotatesphere.Tab Stokes• Stokes parameters displayed in graphA1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide 73