6F2S1931 (0.20)Centralized GRB200(Soft: 030, 031, 032, 033, 034)- 68 -(iv) Re-trip and Zone-trip in series initiationThe CBF re-trip and the Zone-trip can be initiated in series using scheme switch [CBF-Trip_CH*] setting On-AftRe.For series initiation, the timers settings using [TCBF-RE_CH*] and [TCBF-ZONE_CH*]are initiated in series from a trip signal, as shown in the below figure.If the target CB has failed to clear a fault following operation of a trip relay and if thesubsequent re-trip has been unsuccessful the OCCBF relay will continue to operate. As a result,after expiration of the CBF Zone-trip time delay a CBF Zone-trip command is issued to initiatethe tripping of all other circuit breakers connected to the same busbar; the CBF Zone-trip iscompleted by tripping the adjacent CB(s). Issue of the back-trip command and the receipt ofback-tripping signals by individual circuit breakers is executed through the busbar replica.Where the protection system is associated with a feeder circuit breaker, an initiation may alsobe provided to send an intertrip signal to directly connected remote circuit breakers(s).The timer setting using [TCBF-ZONE_CH*] starts after the set time [TCBF-RE_CH*] haselapsed, and the CBF Zone-trip command is issued.UnsuccessfulUnsuccessfulAdjacent CBFault currentFaultTarget CBGEN.TRIP signalOCCBF_CH* relayRe-tripZone-tripTOCTCBClosedOpenClosedOpenTimer set with [TCBF-RE_CH*]Timer set with [TCBF-ZONE_CH*]Figure 2.2-10 Timing chart in series mode (Adjacent CB(s) tripped by CBF re-trip and zone-trip)