6F2S1931 (0.20)Centralized GRB200(Soft: 030, 031, 032, 033, 034)- 756 -(MICS Ed.1)RBRF classAttribute Name Attr. Type Explanation T M/O GRB200LNName Shall be inherited from Logical-Node Class (see IEC 61850-7-2)DataCommon Logical Node InformationLN shall inherit all Mandatory Data from Common Logical Node Class MOpCntRs INC Resetable operation counter O NStatus InformationStr ACD Start, timer running O NOpEx1 ACT Breaker failure trip (“external trip”) T C YOpEx2 ACT Breaker failure trip (“external trip”) T C Y・・OpEx64 ACT Breaker failure trip (“external trip”) T C YOpIn1 ACT Operate, retrip (“internal trip”) T C YOpIn2 ACT Operate, retrip (“internal trip”) T C Y・・OpIn64 ACT Operate, retrip (“internal trip”) T C YSettingFailMod ING Breaker Failure Detection Mode (current, breaker status, both,other) O NFailTmms ING Breaker Failure Time Delay for bus bar trip O NSPlTrTmms ING Single Pole Retrip Time Delay O NTPTrTmms ING Three Pole Retrip Time Delay O NDetValA ASG Current Detector Value O NReTrMod ING Retrip Mode O NCondition C: At least one of either data shall be used depending on the applied tripping schema.