6F2S1931 (0.20)Centralized GRB200(Soft: 030, 031, 032, 033, 034)- 521 -same IP address. The user can set the number ofresponses required to determine the “no-response”condition using the setting [Chk_Count].The user should note that the use of network monitoring could increase the burdenon the network. This is because a number of PING packets are repeatedly transmittedover the network. Thus, the user should choose the setting values carefully inaccordance with the network capacity, the burden, and the required time. Examples1 and 2 below show the respective results using the network monitoring function withfor different settings.Example1: There is a remote device on the network with the address Ping_IP1.The Hot-standby function sends ping packets to the remote device every fiveseconds; then the Hot-standby function waits for one second until the Hot-standby function receives a response signal from the remote device. The Hot-standby function will determine that a communication failure has occurred if twosequential response signals are not received from the remote device. Subsequently,the Hot-Standby function will switch from one port to the other port (See Figure10.2-3). The following settings are required in this example 1:・ The IP address of the remote device1 is set for setting [Ping_IP1]. (the setting ofIP addresses in the other remote devices is not required.)・ One second is set for setting [Ping_Wait].・ Number “5” is set for [Ping_Interval].・ Number “2” is set for [Check_Count].