6F2S1931 (0.20)Centralized GRB200(Soft: 030, 031, 032, 033, 034)- 217 -Counter function for the general (GCNT)When a signal is generated externally and the signal is received by generic counter function(GCNT), the GCNT function can count their signal transitions. Figure 3.7-1 shows signals aregenerated repeatedly. For example, if the number of generated signals should be reported, theGCNT function counts the number of the signal transitions; the function can report them. Abinary input-circuit (BI) is used to receive the signal, when a device (external object) reportsits state.Changes in device status(e.g., operations of 43S)Changes in a functionstatus(e.g., function operations)BIOperations at the local orremote-end(e.g., issuing commands)Closed/Open signalsControl commandsStatus signalsGCNT01GCNT06GCNT32Inputs GCNT01_ CNT_ VALCount objects GCNT functionsSignals generatedGCNT01_ PLC_ SGNL540001 800E 01E DE 0320E 011D20GCNT06_ PLC_ SGNL540001 800E 06E DE 0GCNT32_ PLC_ SGNL540001 800E 20E DE 0320E 061D20320E 201D20GCNT06_ CNT_ VALGCNT32_ CNT_ VALFigure 3.7-1 Reception of signals at GCNT functions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────Note: The implementation of particular features is dependent upon the selection ofhardware and the configuration of functions. Several IED models do not support certainfeatures. To determine whether a particular feature has been implemented within an IED,identify the IED ordering number; and check the order number for the “G&T position” whilstreferring to the comparison table below. For more information, see Appendix: Ordering.Table 3.7-1 Comparative table in respective ordering numbersSec. Feature Ordering No. at “G&T”30 31 32 33 34 Note– Main features : Applicable NA: Not applicable