6F2S1931 (0.20)Centralized GRB200(Soft: 030, 031, 032, 033, 034)- 465 -(ii) Error LED and LCD error messageThe IED has LEDs and LCD screen† so that the automatic supervision function issues a resultfor the LEDs and the LCD screen. When the IED is linked with the SAS, it is possible totransfer the result for the LED and LCD screen using the communication system. Table 9.1-2shows that which indicators are used for result generation in the function.Table 9.1-2 Displays on LEDs, LCD, and SASLevels “In service” LED “Error” LED Error message on LCD0: No error On Off (Not displayed)1: Serious Off On Displayed2: Serious (Comm.)‡ On On Displayed3: Minor On (Off§) On Displayed4: Alarm On Off Displayed5: Warning On Off Displayed†Note:For more information, seeChapter User interface: Outline andDiagnostics.‡Note:It depends on the degree of the communication failure.§Note:If the “In service” has to be turned off while a minor error (level:3) is occurring, setOn for the setting [ErrorLED_cond].The user can see a current error information in Monitoring sub-menu† on the LCD screen†(see Figure 9.1-1); Table 9.1-3 shows the six detail information, which the user can examinecarefully using the hexadecimal number. When two or more errors occur at the same time, anerror code is given by the summation of the error codes. That is, when X and Y errors (e.g., X-error-code ‘00000002’ and Y-error-code ‘00000004’) occur, the sum value ‘00000006’ is screened.CP1M(ROM/RAM) error10:48[Serious error]1/1[00000011] [01234567][01234567] [01234567][01234567] [00000000] “Top left” “Top right”“Middle left” “Middle right”“Bottom left” “Bottom right”[ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ]7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0D e t a i l e d i n f o r m a t i o n i n H e x a d e c i m a l d u m pC u r r e n t l o c a l t i m e ( N o t E r r o r o c c u r r i n g t i m e )C u r r e n t e r r o r i n d i c a t e d b y S u p e r v i s i o nE r r o r d e g r e e ( l e v e l ) d i s p l a y e dFigure 9.1-1 Example error codes and detailed information on Diagnostics sub-menu†Note:See ChapterUser interface: Monitoring sub-menu: Diagnostics. It will not beupdated automatically. If new information is required, refresh LED screen again.Table 9.1-3 Detailed information in Hexadecimal in the ROM and the RAM error (example)DisplayareaMeaning of the detailed informationLeft column Right columnTop row 00000001: ROM read error00000002: ROM RAM mismatch ROM addressMiddle row RAM address ROM valueBottom row RAM value (No information displayed)