6F2S1931 (0.20)Centralized GRB200(Soft: 030, 031, 032, 033, 034)- 301 -4.5.2 Input and output items of PWSTable 4.5-2—Table 4.5-4 show the input and output items of PWS.< Input items>Table 4.5-2 Input items of PWSItems Terminalscrew No. RemarksDC voltage Positive (+) 29 or 30 Used to operate the IEDNegative (-) 31 or 32< Output items>Table 4.5-3 Output items of PWSItems Terminalscrew No. RemarksFAIL112 or 4Used to outputthat relay is infail status.N/C contact is used for output.Note)This contact will close when relay isin fail status or DC voltage is off.3N/O contact is used for output.Note)This contact will open when relay isin fail status or DC voltage is off.FAIL2 7 8 or 10 Same as FAIL1 Same as N/C contact of FAIL19 Same as N/O contact of FAIL1< Other items>Table 4.5-4 shows the other items about “Type using compression terminals”.Table 4.5-4 Other items of PWSItems Terminalscrew No. RemarksType using compression terminalsShot-wire 35 37 The connection has been installed by the manufacturer.ReadAppendix: Notes for the dielectric voltage test carefullyand follow the instructions during testing.Shot-wire 38 FGShort-wire 37 FG dittoThis wire exists only in the type DC rated voltage: 24—60 Vdc.