6F2S1931 (0.20)Centralized GRB200(Soft: 030, 031, 032, 033, 034)- 335 -Common tools(i) Project managementProject files are required to engage sub-engineering tools. The user can manage to read/writethe project file of the IED using the project management function. The user can also see thecontents of the project files.(ii) ComparisonWhen the user wishes to get the comparison between respective IEDs, using the comparefunction the user can get the comparison data for Setting, Setting I/O, Setting Event List,Disturbance record binary signal, PLC, Busbar Replica, IEC61850, and IEC60870-5-103 data.(iii) Pocket label creatorThe user can create the name label of LEDs and Function keys for the IED front panel usinga pocket label sheet, which is provided together with the IED. For more information withregard the LEDs and Function keys, see ChapterTechnical description: Human machineinterface.(iv) LoggingThe user can view the recorded data with regard to the logging date/time. As the user can alsofind operation recorded when an operator/engineer logs into the IED, analyzing a problem ispossible when an error is detected during the IED operations.Monitoring toolsThe user can monitor status and measurement value obtained in the IED using the monitoringtools. All signals monitored are tabulated in the monitoring list dialog. When the user wishesto monitor a signal, select a signal in the monitoring list dialog after the operation of the drag-drop on the monitoring window. The monitoring tools can generate an exporting layout file inthe CSV; it also can obtain the layout file in the CSV.Record tools(i) Fault recordFault records are including measuring information before and after the occurrence of the faults.Accordingly, the user can see information before the fault so that the user can analyze the faultmore precisely. The user can select a fault from the recorded lists; the user can save it into thefault information file in the CSV. The user can also view the fault records when the exporteddata file in the CSV are retrieved into the IED.