6F2S1931 (0.20)Centralized GRB200(Soft: 030, 031, 032, 033, 034)- 59 -(ii) CBF re-tripThe scheme [CBF-Retrip_CH*] is used for selecting the re-trip operation mode (either Off,On, or On-T). The re-trip signal is generated once the OCCBF_CH* relay operates in thesetting [CBF-Retrip_CH*]=On. However, in the [CBF-Retrip_CH*]=On-T, the re-trip signal canbe generated with absence of the OCCBF_CH* operation. Note that The PLC signal‘CBF_BLOCK’ will block to issue the ‘Re-trip’ signals in all CHs.When the user wishes to delay to issue the ‘Re-trip’ signal in CH*, the user can apply adelay timer with setting [TCBF-RE_CH*]. A setting time is chosen between 0.00 to 300.00 sec;the user should determine the time by considering the response time of the CB.The user can select the mode in the Re-trip scheme using the switch [CBFRe-TPMD]: forphase segregated trip (1P) or 3-phase trip operation (3P).Table 2.2-6 CBF re-trip setting switchesSetting items Mode / range Unit Contents DefaultCBFRe-TPMD 1P / 3P – Single-phase trip (1P) or 3P trip 3PCBF-Retrip_CHOff–Canceling for Re-tripOnOn Operation of Re-tripOn-T Re-trip operation after OCCBF-CHoperationTCBF-RE_CH 0.000–300.000 s Timer for issuing Re-trip 0.200When wishing to issue a re-trip signal without the operation of OCCBF_CH* element,the IED can also issue it with external signals using PLC connection points ‘CBF-SUB.OCCBF*’. This technique will be achieved when the user programs to inject a ‘CB close(closed) state signal’ at the ‘CBF-SUB.OCCBF*’ points. It is useful if the CBF function cannotdetermine the conditions of breaker failures, when OCCBF_CH* element fails to detect smallfault currents.