6F2S1931 (0.20)Centralized GRB200(Soft: 030, 031, 032, 033, 034)- 716 -Scope of required testCommissioning tests should be a minimum; it may be required hardware and conjunctive tests.Tests regarding relay and control function may be carried out at the user’s discretion. Duringthe tests, the user can access IED functions through the front panel or using the GR-TIEMSengineering tool. The user is generally required to be familiar with the functions regarding thetesting practices; the user shall understand the safety precautions to avoid personal injuriesor equipment damage.Hardware testsHardware tests should be carried out to ensure that there is no hardware defect in the IED.Defects of hardware circuits can be detected in automatic supervision function when the DCpower is supplied.Function testsFunction tests are software-based testing. Dynamic test set can be required in severalprotection tests.Conjunctive testsAfter the hardware and function test in the IED, conjunctive tests can be carried out withprimary equipment, telecommunication and other external equipment. On-load test, Signaltest, and tripping CB test may be required.