6F2S1931 (0.20)Centralized GRB200(Soft: 030, 031, 032, 033, 034)- 105 -Command trip function (COMTP)If a CB is required to trip under a particular condition, the user can use the command trip(COMTP) function to generate a command trip signal. For example, if the COMTP functionreceives a trip signal come from an external IED, the COMTP function will enable tripping ofthe CBs within a corresponding protection zone. BI circuits1 are provided to receive the tripsignal. The user can handle the BI circuits with PLC connection points “COMTP_INIT_CH*”2to generate COMTP start-up signals (hereafter, this operation is referred to as “Command-trip”).1Note: BI circuit is discussed in ChapterTechnical description: Binary IO module.2Note: To generate a start-up signal for each CH, PLC connection points“COMTP_INIT_CH*” are provided in Start-up logic (see Figure 2.4-2). PLCconnections are possible using the function discussed in ChapterPLC function.─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────Note: The implementation of particular features is dependent upon the selection ofhardware and the configuration of functions. Several IED models do not support certainfeatures. To determine whether a particular feature has been implemented within an IED,identify the IED ordering number; and check the order number for the “G&T position” whilstreferring to the comparison table below. For more information, see Appendix: Ordering.Table 2.4-1 Comparative table in respective ordering numbersSec. Feature Ordering No. at “G&T”30 31 32 33 34 Note– COMTP main features NA : Applicable NA: Not applicable