6F2S1931 (0.20)Centralized GRB200(Soft: 030, 031, 032, 033, 034)- 56 -(ii) Example of Transfer-tripInternal fault on the bus-bar and circuit breaker failure condition on the Line CBTable 2.2-5 Operation example #3Incident Trip issuing and Operation CommentStep1 Fault occurrence in zone A of bus-barCB11BusbarZone ACB12CBCBusbarZone BCB22CB21Remoteend A fault occurs in zone A.Step2 Operation of Bus-bar protection:CB11BusbarZone ACB12CBCBusbarZone BCB22CB21Remoteend All CBs connected to zone Aof the bus-bar are tripped.However, CB11 fails to trip.Step3 Operation of CBF Re-trip:CB11BusbarZone ACB12CBCBusbarZone BCB22CB21Remoteend A CBF Re-trip command isissued to target CB (CB11).If tripping of the target CB(CB11) is successful usingthe CBF Re-trip command,then operation of the CBFprotection is complete.Step4 Operation of CBF Transfer-trip:CB11BusbarZone ACB12CBCBusbarZone BCB22CB21RemoteendNote: CB11 is connected to zone A of the bus-bar.If tripping of the target CB(CB11) is unsuccessful atStep 3, a CBF Transfer-tripcommand is issued to tripthe adjacent CB (in this casethe CB at the remoteterminal). Thus, the fault issuccessfully removed bytripping the adjacent CB.CB closedCB openCBF re-tripCBF tripFailure of CB2.2.3 Scheme logic and setting‘Re-trip’, ‘Zone-trip’ and ‘Transfer-trip’ commands are instructed with the signal generated inthe TRC function (internal operation). However, the relays outside the busbar relays, such asLine protection relays, or bus-couplers relays, etc., can also instruct the CH* to issue the