6F2S1931 (0.20)Centralized GRB200(Soft: 030, 031, 032, 033, 034)- 611 -Oct. Item Value Remarks4 Start 68H5 Control field 08H+ACD+DFC6 Address 1-254 Setting from the relay7 Type identification (Type ID) 1 Customized by GR-TIEMS8 Variable structure qualifier 81H9 Cause of transmission (COT) 20/21 Customized by GR-TIEMS10 Common address of ASDU 1-254 Linked with Address setting11 Function type (FUN) 0-255 Customized by GR-TIEMS12 Information number (INF) 0-255Customized by GR-TIEMS.Answer back of receivingcommand INF13 Double point information (DPI) 1/2 Answer back of receivingcommand DCO14 Millisecond (low) 0-5999915 Millisecond (high)16 Minutes + Invalid flag (MSB) 0-59+80H17 Hours + Summer time flag (MSB) 0-23+80H18 Supplementary information (SIN) 0-255 Answer back of receivingcommand RII19 Checksum20 End 16HAny comment with maximum 16 characters can be entered. This setting does not affectthe function in the IEC 60870-5-103 communication.DescriptionAny comment with maximum 16 characters can be entered. This setting does not affect thefunction in the IEC 60870-5-103 communication.Type IDType ID=20 (General command) is fixed.INFInformation number (INF) of the frame is set. The INF can be set to 0 to 255. When thestandard frame is provided†, the INF according to the standard is recommended. If theframe out of standard is provided, the INF should be set referring Table 10.4-12 and theappendix†.Table 10.4-12 INF category of Monitor directionINF Category0 to 15 system functions16 to 31 status32 to 239 not used240 to 255 generic functions†Note:For more information, seeAppendix: IEC 60870-5-103 interoperability.