6F2S1931 (0.20)Centralized GRB200(Soft: 030, 031, 032, 033, 034)- 486 -9.2.18 Supervision of SubUnit-connection (SUB Conn. Error)The connection between the MainUnit and the SubUnit#1/SubUnit#2 is checked cyclically.Error messages will be shown by Write-Read check, CRC check, Connection check, and Addresscheck.(i) Error levelThe level of the error has been set at level 1 (Serious error1), as a default. However the usercan program the level using settings [CHK_SUBCONN1:Lvl] and [CHK_SUBCONN2:Lvl]. SetOn for the settings [CHK_SUBCONN1:Sw] and [CHK_SUBCONN2:Sw] to check the connectionwith SubUnit#1 and SubUnit#2.1Note: When the error is detected, other supervision functions will be stopped.2Note: For the connection, see ChapterTechnical description: Signal processing andcommunication modules (CPU).(ii) Error messageWhen detecting an error, an error message can be shown on the LCD screen and an LED is lit.Table 9.2-36 Error messages provided by the supervisor in CHK_SUB_CONNMessage and level Meaning of the informationSUB1 Conn. Error Occurrence of the connection failure with SubUnit#1SUB2 Conn. Error Occurrence of the connection failure with SubUnit#2Error level Serious error (Level 1)Table 9.2-37 Detailed information in Hexadecimal in CHK_SUB_CONNDisplayareaMeaning of the detailed informationLeft column Right columnToprow00000001: W/R error00000010: SUB address error00000100: Main-SUB Connection error00000200: Main->SUB CRC error00000400: SUB->Main CRC error00001000: Mismatch address00010000: CRC detected in A/D in VCTXXXX YYYYYYYY: write dataXXXX: read dataMiddlerowXXXX YYYYYYYY: SUB addressXXXX: (N/A)XXXX YYYYYYYY: Main-SUB check valueXXXX: (N/A)BottomrowXXXX YYYYYYYY: SUB address check resultXXXX: (N/A)XX YY ZZZZZZZZ: error CRC valueYY: 16 to 29 countXX: 30 and 31 count