6F2S1931 (0.20)Centralized GRB200(Soft: 030, 031, 032, 033, 034)- 351 -communication function (CBP_COMRCV_MU (Function ID: 4F2A01)).‡Note:64 logical signals are selectable for recording. For example in this purpose, theuser may choose an operation signal on the circuits of the BIO modules (BIOs).(iv) Fault quantities and pre-fault-quantitiesQuantities that amplitude and phase angle of voltage and current—are memorized in the faultrecorder, as shown in Table 7.1-1. Items, pre-fault quantities just before a fault (i.e., tripping),are also captured and memorized. Default 10 seconds has been set for setting [Pre-Fault time],but it is possible to change it to memory the times longer.Table 7.1-1 Recording quantities at a fault ant before the faultAbbreviations Displayed quantitiesDIFCH: Ida, Idb, IdcMagnitude of phasedifferential current (Id) ofCheck-zone-relay (DIFCH)and Discriminating-zone-relays (DIFZA to DIFZF)DIFZA: IdaA, IdbA, IdcADIFZB: IdaB, IdbB, IdcBDIFZC: IdaC, IdbC, IdcCDIFZD: IdaD, IdbD, IdcDDIFZE: IdaE, IdbE, IdcEDIFZF: IdaF, IdbF, IdcFDIFCH: Ira, Irb, IrcMagnitude of restraint current(Ir) of Check-zone-relay(DIFCH)and Discriminating-zone-relays(DIFZA to DIFZF)DIFZA: IraA, IrbA, IrcADIFZB: IraB, IrbB, IrcBDIFZC: IraC, IrbC, IrcCDIFZD: IraD, IrbD, IrcDDIFZE: IraE, IrbE, IrcEDIFZF: IraF, IrbF, IrcFZoneA:VaA, VbA, VcA / VabA, VbcA, VcaAZoneB:VaB, VbB, VcB / VabB, VbcB, VcaBZoneC:VaC, VbC, VcC / VabC, VbcC, VcaCZoneD:VaD, VbD, VcD / VabD, VbcD, VcaDZoneE:VaE, VbE, VcE / VabE, VbcE, VcaEZoneF:VaF, VbF, VcF / VabF, VbcF, VcaFMagnitude and phase angle ofphase and phase-to-phasevoltage (V) in each zoneZoneA: V1A, V2A, V0AZoneB: V1B, V2B, V0BZoneC: V1C, V2C, V0CZoneD: V1D, V2D, V0DZoneE: V1E, V2E, V0EZoneF: V1F, V2F, V0FMagnitude and phase angle ofsymmetrical componentvoltages (V1, V2, and V0) ineach zoneRespective CHs: Ia, Ib, IcMagnitude and phase angle ofphase currents (Ia, Ib, Ic) ineach CH7.1.2 Screen informationFigure 7.1-1 illustrates the information displayed on the IED screen†, which can display up toeight fault records (#1 to #8). Figure 7.1-2 illustrates the structure of the first fault record#1.