2 Parameters2.2 List of parametersSINAMICS G130/G150920 List Manual (LH2), 04/2014, A5E03263479ARe bit 04:When sensing the velocity without encoder, a distinction is made between the closed-loop speed controlled andopen-loop speed controlled (U/f) modes.Re bit 09:Safe pulse pulse cancellation is a state that can only occur for the combination of velocity sensing without encoder(p9506) and drive-integrated motion monitoring functions without selection (p9601.5). In this state, internally an STOis initiated, which can be withdrawn again using an OFF1 enable.Re bit 12:An active test stop is also displayed using the safety message C01798.ESR: Extended Stop and RetractSAM: Safe Acceleration Monitor (safe acceleration monitoring)SBR: Safe Brake Ramp (safe brake ramp monitoring)Description: Displays the crosswise comparison clock cycle.The value indicates the clock cycle time with which each individual CDC value is compared between the twomonitoring channels.Dependency: Refer to: p9500Note: Crosswise comparison clock cycle = monitoring clock cycle (p9500) * number of data to be crosswise comparedCDC: Crosswise Data ComparisonDescription: Re index 0:Displays the message value that resulted in the STOP F on the drive.Value = 0:The Control Unit signaled a STOP F.Value = 1 ... 999:Number of the incorrect date in the crosswise data comparison between the monitoring channels.Value >= 1000:Additional diagnostic values of the drive.Re index 1:Displays the value of the Control Unit that resulted in the STOP F.Re index 2:Displays the value from the second channel that resulted in the STOP F.Index: [0] = Message value for CDC[1] = Control Unit CDC actual value[2] = Components CDC actual valueNote: The significance of the individual message values is described in message C01711.CDC: Crosswise Data ComparisonRe Index 1, 2:When Safety message C01711 with message value >= 1000 occurs, these indices are not supplied with values.r9724 SI Motion crosswise comparison clock cycle / SI Mtn CDC clk cycVECTOR_G Can be changed: - Calculated: - Access level: 3Data type: FloatingPoint32 Dyn. index: - Func. diagram: -P-Group: Safety Integrated Units group: - Unit selection: -Not for motor type: - Scaling: - Expert list: 1Min Max Factory setting- [ms] - [ms] - [ms]r9725[0...2] SI Motion diagnostics STOP F / SI Mtn Diag STOP FVECTOR_G Can be changed: - Calculated: - Access level: 3Data type: Unsigned32 Dyn. index: - Func. diagram: -P-Group: Safety Integrated Units group: - Unit selection: -Not for motor type: - Scaling: - Expert list: 1Min Max Factory setting- - -