SINAMICS G130/G150List Manual (LH2), 04/2014, A5E03263479A 1212 Parameters2.2 List of parametersDescription: Displays the status word of the automatic motor parameter sensing of a motor with DRIVE-CLiQ.Motor parameter sensing takes place in the following events if the SMI is connected to the Motor Module and theencoder is activated (p0145):- Warm restart- downloading projects.- POWER ON (off/on).- where p0300 = 10000, 10001.Dependency: Refer to: p0145, p0300Note: SMI: SINAMICS Sensor Module IntegratedDescription: Sets the rated motor voltage (rating plate).Dependency: Refer to: p0349Notice: When selecting a catalog motor (p0301), this parameter is automatically pre-assigned and is write protected.Information in p0300 should be carefully observed when removing write protection.Note: When the parameter value is entered the connection type of the motor (star-delta) must be taken into account.Description: Sets the rated motor current (rating plate).Dependency: Refer to: p0349Notice: When selecting a catalog motor (p0301), this parameter is automatically pre-assigned and is write protected.Information in p0300 should be carefully observed when removing write protection.If p0305 is changed during quick commissioning (p0010 = 1), then the maximum current p0640 is pre-assignedaccordingly. This is not the case when commissioning the motor (p0010 = 3).If the rated motor current exceeds twice the maximum drive converter current (r0209), then the maximum current isreduced due to the current harmonics that increase overproportionally (r0067).Note: When the parameter value is entered the connection type of the motor (star-delta) must be taken into account.r0303[0...n] Motor with DRIVE-CLiQ status word / Motor w DQ ZSWVECTOR_G Can be changed: - Calculated: - Access level: 2Data type: Unsigned16 Dyn. index: MDS, p0130 Func. diagram: -P-Group: Motor Units group: - Unit selection: -Not for motor type: - Scaling: - Expert list: 1Min Max Factory setting- - -Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP00 Motor data set selected MDS1 MDS0 -01 Motor connection type Delta Star -02 Windings can be changed Yes No -03 Windings can be changed number 2 0 -p0304[0...n] Rated motor voltage / Mot U_ratedVECTOR_G Can be changed: C2(1, 3) Calculated: - Access level: 1Data type: FloatingPoint32 Dyn. index: MDS, p0130 Func. diagram: 6301, 6724P-Group: Motor Units group: - Unit selection: -Not for motor type: - Scaling: - Expert list: 1Min Max Factory setting0 [Vrms] 20000 [Vrms] 0 [Vrms]p0305[0...n] Rated motor current / Mot I_ratedVECTOR_G Can be changed: C2(1, 3) Calculated: - Access level: 1Data type: FloatingPoint32 Dyn. index: MDS, p0130 Func. diagram: 6301P-Group: Motor Units group: - Unit selection: -Not for motor type: - Scaling: - Expert list: 1Min Max Factory setting0.00 [Arms] 10000.00 [Arms] 0.00 [Arms]