2 Parameters2.2 List of parametersSINAMICS G130/G150916 List Manual (LH2), 04/2014, A5E03263479ARe index 3:The maximum difference between the load-side position actual value on the Control Unit and the load-side positionactual value on the second channel.Re index 4:Displays the load-side position actual value when enabling the function "Safe position via PROFIsafe".The value is an average value from the values in index 0 and 1.For a 16-bit notation, the value is influenced using the scaling factor (p9574/p9374).When the function is not enabled, the content corresponds to the value in index 0.Re index 5:The display of the maximum additional difference between the load-side position actual value on the Control Unit,and the load-side position actual value in the second channel, which can occur as a result of the actual value sensingdelay in the EnDat 2.2 converter. Input in p9542: p9713[3] + p9713[5], after performing the measurement for themechanical tolerance by performing a test run, where, after completion, the maximum tolerance that has occurred isdisplayed in p9713[3].CDC: Crosswise Data ComparisonDescription: Displays the velocity actual values for the motion monitoring functions on the Control Unit.Index: [0] = Load-side velocity actual value on the Control Unit[1] = Actual SAM/SBR velocity limit on the Control Unit[2] = Actual SLS velocity limit on the Control UnitDependency: Refer to: r9732Notice: Re index 2:This SLS velocity limit can, as a result of conversion into the internal monitoring format, deviate from the specifiedSLS velocity limit (see r9732).Note: The display is updated in the safety monitoring clock cycle.For linear axes, the following unit applies: millimeters per minuteFor rotary axes, the following unit applies: revolutions per minuteDescription: Displays the velocity actual values for the motion monitoring functions on the Control Unit.Index: [0] = Load-side velocity actual value on the Control Unit[1] = Actual SAM/SBR velocity limit on the Control Unit[2] = Actual SLS velocity limit on the Control UnitDependency: Refer to: r9732Notice: Re index 2:This SLS velocity limit can, as a result of conversion into the internal monitoring format, deviate from the specifiedSLS velocity limit (see r9732).Note: The display is updated in the safety monitoring clock cycle.For linear axes, the following unit applies: millimeters per minuteFor rotary axes, the following unit applies: revolutions per minuter9714[0...2] CO: SI motion diagnostics velocity / SI Mtn diag vVECTOR_G Can be changed: - Calculated: - Access level: 3Data type: FloatingPoint32 Dyn. index: - Func. diagram: -P-Group: Safety Integrated Units group: - Unit selection: -Not for motor type: - Scaling: - Expert list: 1Min Max Factory setting- [mm/min] - [mm/min] - [mm/min]r9714[0...2] CO: SI motion diagnostics velocity / SI Mtn diag vVECTOR_G (Safetyrot)Can be changed: - Calculated: - Access level: 3Data type: FloatingPoint32 Dyn. index: - Func. diagram: -P-Group: Safety Integrated Units group: - Unit selection: -Not for motor type: - Scaling: - Expert list: 1Min Max Factory setting- [rpm] - [rpm] - [rpm]