II. LENS DRIVE MECHANISMA. Moving the Lens1. OutlineThe copier picks up and feeds copy paper using center reference; originals, on theother hand, are placed using rear reference when the copyboard cover is used.As such, the lens is moved in Y direction (vertical) to suit the width of copy papereven in Direct mode.n Using the CopyboardFigure 3-201 (top view)The RDF installed to the copier uses center reference; for this reason, the lens is notmoved in Y direction (vertical) as long as the original and the copy paper are of the samesize and copies are made in Direct (Figure 3-202). However, if the size of the originaland the size of the copy paper are different, the lens is moved in Y direction (vertical) sothat the images on the copies will be processed in the same way as when using thecopyboard cover.n With RDF in UseFigure 3-202 (top view)Original(small)Original(large)Copypaper(small)LensCopy paper(large)Y directionOriginal(small)Original(large)Copypaper(small)Lens position (Direct) forcopy paper (small)Lens position (Direct) forcopy paper (large)Copy paper(large)Y directionCOPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6045 REV. 1 MAR. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CHAPTER 3 EXPOSURE SYSTEM3-2