11. E020COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6045 REV. 1 MAR. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CHAPTER 10 TROUBLESHOOTING10-81CauseHopper assem-bly sensorHopper motorConnectionbetween hopperassembly anddevelopingassemblyToner sensorDC controllerPCBConnector(hopperassembly)Outlet (hopperassembly)ChecksRemove the upper cover of thedeveloping assembly. Is toner inthe developing assembly about tooverflow? (Put the upper coverback on after the check.)Is hopper full of toner?Select 'PC002' in service mode( ). Is the indication for bit10 (TEP) on the message display'0', indicating the absence oftoner?Select 'HPPR_MTR' in servicemode ( ). Does the hoppermotor rotate about 3 sec when the] key is pressed?Install the developing assembly,and set the copy count to '20'.Select 'P002' in service mode (), and press the Copy Startkey. Is the indication for bit 9(DTEP) on the message display'0', indicating the presence oftoner?Is the connector disconnected?Is the end of the outlet cover bentso that the amount of tonersupplied from the hopper to thedeveloping assembly is less thana specific amount?]2]]4]]2]Step1234567YES/NOYESNOYESNOYESNOYESYESYESActionGo to step 5.Go to step 5.Replace the hopperassembly sensor.See "The hopper motorfails to rotate."Check to make sure thatthe hopper assemblyand the developingassembly are securelyconnected.Replace the toner leveldetecting circuit.Replace the DCcontroller PCB.Connect the connector.Replace the seal of theoutlet, and replace bothhopper collars 1 and 2 atthe same time.