2. The copy is too light. (solid black also)3. The copy is too light. (overall, considerably)Cont’dCOPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6045 REV. 1 MAR. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CHAPTER 10 TROUBLESHOOTING10-60CauseTransfer/separationassemblyCopy paperChecksPerform the Image AdjustmentBasic Procedure. Is the problemcorrected?Turn OFF the power switch in themiddle of copying, and open thefront door. Is the toner image onthe surface of the photosensitivedrum before transfer more or lessnormal?Is the charging wire of the transfercharging assembly properlyhooked and is its position correct?Is the transfer/separation chargingassembly installed properly?Change the setting under 'FUZZY'in service mode ( ) to '1',and make copies. Is the problemcorrected?Try fresh copy paper. Is the imagedarker?]5]Step123456YES/NOYESNONONOYESNOYESActionEnd.Go to step 7.1. Hook the chargingwire properly.2. Adjust the height ofthe charging wire.1. Clean the chargingwire.2. Install the chargingassembly properly.End.(The problem is due tothe environment.)Return the setting under'FUZZY' to '0'; and go tothe next step.1. The paper may bemoist. Advise the useron the correct methodof storage.2. Advise the user thatusing paper notrecommended byCanon may not bringthe best results.Transfer