15., 16., 17. The copy has leading edge displacement.COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6045 REV. 1 MAR. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CHAPTER 10 TROUBLESHOOTING10-71CauseOriginalCopy paperPick-up rollerLeading edgemarginRegistrationclutch,RegistrationrollerDC controllerPCBChecksIs the original placed correctly?Is the paper of a typerecommended by Canon?Is the leading edge displacementthe same regardless of the sourceof paper (paper deck, cassette)?Has the pick-up roller reached itslife?Perform leading edge marginadjustment. Is the problemcorrected?Set the meter range to 30 VDC.Does the voltage between J108A-4 (+) and J108-A5 (-) on the DCcontroller PCB changemomentarily from 24 to 0 V whilethe scanner is moving forward?Step123456YES/NONONOYESNOYESYESYESNOActionPlace it correctly.Try recommendedpaper; if the results aregood, advise the user touse recommendedpaper.If it is the same, go tostep 4.Check each pick-upsystem.If wear is noted on thepick-up roller, replace it.End.1. Replace the No. 1registration clutch.2. Check the registrationroller for deformationand wear.Replace the DCcontroller PCB.