3) Free a length of about 5 cm from a 0.06mm-dia. charging wire reel, and form a loopof about 2 mm in diameter.Reference:To form a loop, wind the wire around a hex key once, and twist the hex key threeto four times; then, twist the charging wire.4) Cut the excess end of the twisted charging wire by a nipper or the like.5) Hook the loop on the stud.Figure 4-3256) Hook the charging wire on the charging wire positioner at the rear, and hook thecharging wire tension screw on the charging wire where indicated in Figure 4-326;then, twist it.Figure 4-3267) Cut the excess charging wire with a nipper.8) Pick the end of the tension spring of the charging wire with tweezers, and hook it onthe charging power supply electrode. (In the case of the pre-transfer chargingassembly, hook the spring on the pin at the front.)Figure 4-327Make sure of the following:• The charging wire is not bent or twisted and its gold plating has not peeled.• The charging wire is in the charging wire positioning V-groove.Stud Reel Charging corona electrode(front) Charging wire(rear)COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6045 REV. 1 MAR. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CHAPTER 4 IMAGE FORMATION SYSTEM4-50Caution: