5 Machine Status56Mailbox List1. Select [Mailbox List] on the[Print Reports] screen.2. Select the required option.3. Select the button on thecontrol panel.Mailbox ListLists the mailbox settings and procedure when storing data in the mailbox.Job Counter Report1. Select [Job Counter Report] onthe [Print Reports] screen.2. Select the required option.3. Select the button on thecontrol panel.Job Counter ReportLists the job counter reports for each service.Auditron Reports1. Select [Auditron Reports] on the[Print Reports] screen.2. Select the required option.3. Select the button on thecontrol panel.When [Accounting Type] is [Accounting Disabled]• Auditron Report (Print Jobs) - Displays the number of pages printed per user and byall users.When [Accounting Type] is [Local Accounting] and [Auditron Mode] is enabled• Auditron Report (Print Jobs) - Displays an Auditron report for all print jobs completedby the selected users.• Auditron Report (Copy Jobs) - Displays an Auditron report for all copy jobscompleted by the selected users.• Auditron Report (Fax Jobs) - This is displayed when [Fax] or [Internet Fax] isenabled under [Auditron Mode], and displays an Auditron report for all fax jobscompleted by the selected users.• Auditron Report (Scan Jobs) - This is displayed when [Scan to E-mail], [Scan to PC],[Scan to Mailbox], or [Network Scanning] is enabled under [Auditron Mode], anddisplays an Auditron report for all scan jobs completed by the selected users.