7 CentreWare Internet Services156JobsThe [Jobs] tab displays a list of active and completed jobs. You can also delete jobson this tab.NOTE: The details displayed may differ from those shown on the machine’s touchscreen.Follow the steps below to select the features available on the [Jobs] tab:1. Click [Jobs] on the Header Panel of the home page.2. On the collapsible menu of the Menu Panel, click [Active Jobs] to view the list ofactive jobs, click [Job History List] and then [Job History] or [Job History - GroupParent Jobs] to view the list of completed jobs or group parent jobs, or click [ErrorHistory] to view the list of errors.Active JobsThis page displays the list of active jobs being processed.Job NameDisplays the name of a job.OwnerDisplays the name of the client (user) that has sent the job.StatusDisplays the status of the job.TypeDisplays the type of job.QuantityDisplays the number of sets that have been processed.Job History ListJob HistoryThis page displays a list of completed jobs.Job NameDisplays the name of a job.OwnerDisplays the name of the client (user) who sent the job.StatusDisplays the status of the job. The status includes [Completed], [Error], [Deleted],[Shutdown], [Cancelled], [Aborted], and [Unknown].