Emulation Parameters427Emulation ParametersThe emulation parameters for PCL and PDF direct printing can be changed asnecessary.For information on how to change parameter values, refer toPrint Mode in the MachineStatus chapter on page 51.PCL EmulationParameter ItemNo. ValuePaper Tray 201 0: Auto (Default)1: Tray 12: Tray 23: Tray 34: Tray 45: Tray 5 (Bypass)6: Tray 6 (HCF)Selects the paper tray. When [Auto] is selected, the machine automaticallyselects the tray that contains the paper whose size is specified on the[Paper Supply] screen.Auto Size 202 3: A34: A4 (Default*)5: A514: B415: B521: 8.5 × 14”22: 8.5 × 13”23: 8.5 × 11” (Default*)24: 11 × 17”30: 8KSets the default paper size when the machine is set to select the papersize automatically. Only available when [Paper Tray] is set to [Auto].* The default value will be either [4] or [23] depending on the region.Bypass Size 203 3: A34: A4 (Default*)5: A514: B415: B521: 8.5 × 14”22: 8.5 × 13”23: 8.5 × 11” (Default*)24: 11 × 17”25: CustomSets the paper size for the bypass tray. Only available when [Paper Tray]is set to [Tray 5 (Bypass)].* The default value will be either [4] or [23] depending on the region.Orientation 205 0: Portrait (Default)1: LandscapeSets the document orientation.