15 Problem Solving370When the required printing result is not obtainedThe specified transmissionspeed is different from thetransmission speed of thenetwork.Check whether thetransmission speed isspecified correctly.Specify the correcttransmission speed.The client and machine are indifferent rings connected viaa bridge, and the sourcerouting is inactivated.Check whether the sourcerouting is specified correctly.Activate the source routing.The data format of the printjob does not match the printenvironment of the client(print data sent from theclient contains TBCP).–Specify PSASC as the printername.The data format of the printjob does not match the printenvironment of the client(print data sent from theclient is in the binarynotation).–Set the logical printer nameto PSBIN to print a binary filein the PostScript language.Print paper is out. Check the paper refillingmessage on the controlpanel.Load the paper into the papertray. When changing thepaper size, specify the newsize, if required.The selected transportprotocol does not match theclient.Check the transport protocolselected from the controlpanel.Select the transport protocolmatching the client.Cause Confirmation Method ActionThe specified print languageis different from the printlanguage of the print data.Check the specified printlanguage and the printlanguage of the print data.Specify a print languagematching that of the printdata.Cause Confirmation Method Action