Xerox Document Centre Reference Guide Page 5 - 135. Fax (OptionalFeature)5. Fax (OptionalFeature)Image QualityThe Image Quality buttons allow you to adjust 5 settings, OriginalType, Lighten/Darken, Background Suppression, Contrast andSharpness. For more information, refer to page 4-11.Original Type: There are 4 Original Type settings.l Normal - This is the standard setting and is appropriate forthe majority of the jobs run on the machine.l Text - Use this option if your original contains only text orline art. This will result in the sharpest edges for the text andthe line art.l Halftone Photo- Use this option if your original containshigh quality lithographic images or continuous tonephotographs with text and/or graphics.l Photo - This option is specifically designed to copy onlycontinuous tone photographs or printed halftone originals.Background Suppression: automatically deletes a colored or graybackground.Lighten/Darken: provides controls to adjust the lightness ordarkness of the output.Contrast: controls the differences between the image densitieswithin the copy. Lower settings reproduce more detail in light anddark areas of the original. Higher settings produce more vivid blacksand whites for sharper text and lines but less detail in pictures.Sharpness: controls the balance between sharp text and moiré(undesirable patterns within the image). Generally, sharpness isused to enhance the copy quality after evaluating the output.Image QualitySettings