Page 10 - 16 Xerox Document Centre Reference GuideUser Accounts and Access RightsThis screen allows you to assign the User Account User Number, theaccount copy limits, and the access rights. You can also view thetotal number of copies made and reset the account copy counter.To create or modify an account, enter the account numbers, usingthe keypad directly, by scrolling or by pressing the Next ActiveAccount (a User Number is assigned), Next Open Account (a UserNumber is not assigned), or Previous Account (last accountselected) button. When the end of the list is reached the first accountwill be displayed.User Numbers can be 1-12 digits in length with leading zerosrecognized. Account Limit is the maximum number of copiesallowed for the currently displayed account. This figure ranges from0 to 16,000,000. The Total Copies counter displays the total copycount for the selected account.Reset Counter resets the total copies count for the current account tozero.When the Internal Auditron is used, the copies that are made arecharged to the User or General Account that was active when theoriginals were scanned.Tools Screen 1How to get hereAccess andAccountingAccess andInternalAuditronAccountingSetupInternal AuditronSetupUser Accountsand AccessRights