Xerox Document Centre Reference Guide Page 4 - 354. Making CopiesStored ProgrammingThis feature allows you to program up to 10 programmingsequences. This feature is helpful to store commonly used selectionsor combinations of selections such as Edge Erase and BoundOriginals.To use this feature, use the up and down scroll buttons on thescrolling list to select the desired storage location, then press afunction button - Store or Recall Programming.Use the Store Programming feature to store the currentprogramming selection. A confirmation message will ask you if youwant to overwrite the existing programming in that location. If youchoose to overwrite, the new programming will be stored in thatlocation.Every time you use this, a confirmation message will be displayed.Use the Recall Programming feature to retrieve past programmingthat has been stored in a selected location. First, select a JobNumber, then press the Recall Programming button. The recalledprogramming will overwrite the current copy programming. Afterbeing recalled, the selections can be modified further.Check your programming values when applying storedprogramming values to a Build Job segment. Some storedprogramming, such as Multi-Up, cannot be recalled in the middle ofa Build Job segment.