Page 4 - 14 Xerox Document Centre Reference GuideHow to use the Image Quality settingsLighten :Reproduces more detailin the darker areas of anoriginal or suppresses thebackground if you are notsatisfied with the outputafter using BackgroundSuppression.However: Lightersettings result in lighterand thinner text and linesand lighter solids.Darken:Use to copy low densityareas such as pencilmarks on the original.However: The darker thesetting, the heavier andthicker the text and linesand the darker the solidswill appear on youroutput. There is also arisk of creating a lightgray background with thehigher settings.BackgroundSuppression - Off:Use to copy originalshaving a colored orgray border. Improvescopy quality of lightoriginals if you aredissatisfied with theoutput after using theDarken adjustment.However: There isalso a risk of creatinga light graybackground.BackgroundSuppression - On:This factory default settingsuppresses the backgroundfrom originals on coloredor gray paper.It can also be used tosuppress paste-up lines,pencil marks, backsideshow-through, or lightsmudges on originals.However: Some lightoriginal images may notcopy well.Text:Use if copying onlytext and lines becauseit provides the sharpesttext and line output.However: It produceshigh contrast pictureswith most details lostin light and dark areas.Halftone Photo:Enhances a picture orgraphic if copyingoriginals with text,lines, graphics, andpictures.However: Sharpness isslightly decreased fortext and lines.Photo:This setting providesthe best copy qualityfor photographswithout any text orgraphics.However: It can beused to copy pictureswith text and graphics,but the text and lineswill appear less sharp.There is also the risk ofmoiré when copyinghalftone pictures.Normal:This factory defaultsetting accommodatesmost types of originals.It delivers excellenttext and line output.However: It producessomewhat dark pictureswith some detail lost inboth light and darkareas.