Xerox Document Centre Reference Guide Page 4 - 334. Making CopiesBuild JobThis feature enables you to combine multiple, individuallyprogrammed job segments from either the Document Glass or theDocument Feeder into a single copy job.This is useful for combining segments, each having uniqueprogramming, into a single job; for example, running more than 50originals through the Document Feeder by splitting the job intomultiple segments, or by adding inserts to a large job.After the first segment is scanned, the End Build Job button willappear. You cannot modify the programming of a segment after it isaccepted. The entire job must be resubmitted.Program and scan each segment. After the last job segment has beenscanned, press the End Build Job button and the entire job will beprinted.Quantity, stapling, and collation options can be adjusted at any time,and will assume the values of the last job segment.NOTE The recommended limits of Build Job are 100 individual jobsegments and 500 8.5 x 11 inch images with 5% area coverage. Ifthese limits are exceeded, your job may be deleted.Press End BuildJob to print yourcomplete job