Page 2 - 4 Xerox Document Centre Reference GuideInformation SourcesUse the following information sources to answer your questions.At the Machinel Labels are affixed at points of need throughout the system.They depict information about loading originals or paper stock.l Green or Gold colored areasGold colored areas typically indicate the handle or levers topush or pull when removing Replaceable Modules or Cartridges.Green colored areas are where you clear jams.l The User Interface Touch Screen displays important messagesabout the status of the machine.l The User Guide provides information and instructions aboutusing the features of the machine to perform copying tasks.l The Help system provides you point-of-need information.At the Workstation (for ST Models)l The Quick Start Guide for Printing contains easy-to-use andhelpful information.l The CentreWare Help System is available by clicking on thehelp button on the Print Driver.Used by the Machine Administratorl The Reference Guide provides detailed information about allfeatures and settings as well as maintenance.l The Personal Learning Program is designed to help train newusers by providing interactive training on copying andmaintenance tasks. It also includes a computer-based simulationof copying tasks that can be practiced at a computerworkstation.