Page 9 - 18 Xerox Document Centre Reference GuideStandard Size RequiredThis feature determines which paper sizes are selected when AutoPaper is used during a copy job and the paper that is available in themachine is not within 0.2 inches of the size of the output image.If paper is available that is within 0.2 inches of the size of the outputimage, that paper automatically will be selected and used regardlessof which Standard Size option is selected.Standard Size refers to the following sizes: 8.5 x 11 inch, 8.5 x 14inch, or 11 x 17 inch.1. If the output image is within 0.2 inches of a standard size andthere is no paper loaded that is the same size as the output imageand:Standard Size Required is On, the job will not be printed.The user will be instructed to load the required paper size,select a different paper, or Reduction/Enlargement value(R/E%).Standard Size Required is Off, the job will run, using thesmallest paper that will hold the entire output image. If nopaper is large enough, the user will be instructed to load alarger paper or to change the R/E%.2. If the output image is not within 0.2 inches of a standard size, themachine will run the job, using the smallest paper that will holdthe entire output image. If no paper is large enough, the job willnot be printed. The user will be instructed to load a larger paperor to change the R/E%.Tools Screen 1System Settings 1TrayHow to get hereTray ManagementStandard SizeSystem SettingsManagementRequired