Page 15 - 14 Xerox Document Centre Reference GuideOtherProblemsThe system scans originalsbut does not print them.The top job in the JobStatus list shows a status ofprintingorThe system indicates that itis scanning originals butnothing happensl If the Touch Screen is displaying a messagestating that the system is warming up, youmust wait until the system is completelywarmed up.l Attempt to delete the top job in the JobStatus list.l If deleting the job in the queue does notresolve the problem, select software reset inTools or power off the machine using thewhite button on the right side of themachine. Wait 1 minute, then power on themachine, using the same switch. Note: Allcopy jobs in the Job Queue will be lost.Touch Screen resets beforeprogramming is complete.l Check the time-out values in Tools. Ensurethat the values set are long enough for usersto complete their programming.A black border appearsalong one or more sides ofcopies when using theDocument Feeder.l The Document Feeder Edge Guides maynot be adjusted to meet the sides of theoriginals.l If using the Document Feeder, ensure thedocument Size is correctly defined. Referto page 12 -18 for more information.l If the original is undersized or non-standard, use the Document Glass to scanthe job. Use Auto% to fill the output page ifnecessary.l Use Edge Erase to eliminate black edge.l If a portion of the original is folded, unfoldthat portion and rescan the job.The job remains in the JobStatus Queue after copyingis complete.l Sample Set may have been selected. Deletethe held job and ensure that the featuredefault timer is not disabled or set to a timethat is too long.Problem Symptom Recommendation