– 34 –Chapter 4 Preparations — Basic menu operations4 Alphanumerics, symbolsSelects the alphanumerics or symbols you want to enter in the entry field.5 [Shift]Switches the keyboard display. (Uppercase, lowercase)6 [Space]Enters a space in the entry field.7 [BS]Erases the last character in the entry field.8 [Cancel]Cancels the changes and closes the on-screen keyboard.9 [OK]Fixes the changes and closes the on-screen keyboard.Color settings menu operationsThe various colors generated by the switcher can be set using the following two methods.f Directly enter numeric values into each item for [Hue], [Sat], and [Lum]. (page 32)f Select [Color Palette] in the same column as [Hue], [Sat], and [Lum], and use the color palette screen.r Color palette screen5123467981 [New]Displays the colors being changed on the color palette screen.2 [Default]Displays 8 default colors. The same colors are set when selected.3 Hue PadTap any color to set hue.Vertical axis: Color tone (Hue)4 Sat/Lum PadTap any color to set saturation and luminance.Horizontal axis: Saturation (Sat)Vertical axis: Luminance (Lum)5 [Current]Displays the color set before the color palette screen is displayed.6 [Recent]Displays the recently set colors. The same colors are set when selected.Just like the color palette screen for the other items, this cannot be resumed.7 [OK]Fixes the changes and closes the color palette screen.8 [Cancel]Cancels the changes and closes the color palette screen.9 [Hue], [Sat], [Lum]Displays the color being changed in numeric values.