– 33 –Chapter 4 Preparations — Basic menu operations10 [Trim]Enters differential values to change the numeric values. This item is not displayed for the time entry.Select [Trim], and then enter the “numeric value” or “minus” + “numeric value” after the current numeric values display. After entering the differentialvalues, press [Enter] to reflect the numeric values converted in the display format corresponding to the item in the entry field.11 [Enter]Converts the entered numeric values into the values in the display format corresponding to the item.Example) Conversion display of the entered numeric values (when the setting range is between [−10.0] and [10.0])[1] + [0] + [Enter] = [10.0][1] + [Enter] = [1.0][.] + [1] + [Enter] = [0.1][−] + [.] + [1] + [Enter] = [−0.1]12 [Cancel]Cancels the changes and closes the on-screen numerical keypad.13 [OK]Fixes the changes and closes the on-screen numerical keypad.Entering numeric values using the rotary encoders or the Control Panel AV‑HS60C1/AV‑HS60C2If the numeric entry item or title area of the column is selected, the corresponding column will become a selected state (focus state). When the columnis in a focus state, numeric values can be changed by turning the dial of the rotary encoder corresponding to the item to be set. The three items from theleft of the column can be operated using the positioner of the positioner area (X axis, Y axis) or the Z-axis dial.The rotary encoders have a push switch function. When double-clicked, the items will be restored to the default numeric values.ZZXXYY ZX YText entry item operationsWhen text entry items are selected, the on-screen keyboard appears. If set the values and closed the keyboard, the text set for the items will bedisplayed.r On‑screen keyboard34561297581 [Undo]Reflects the values entered before the on‑screen keyboard is displayed in the entry field.2 [Default]Reflects the default values in the entry field.3 Entry fieldDisplays the entered text. Immediately after displaying the on-screen keyboard, the current text strings are displayed.